
I’m interested in the ways capitalism fails us, and how people work their way around its strictures. Some work:

articles of interest - wearing hair

New York Times - They Have Sold Pot for Years. Now They Want to Go Legal. Can They?

New York Times - What’s the Best Way to Protect Sex Workers? Depends on Whom You Ask.

New York Times - Will Rapid Grocery Delivery Change N.Y.C.? Look to Berlin.

New York Times - The Nutcracker Hustle: Why Selling Bootleg Cocktails Just Got Harder

Wall Street Journal - Online Funeral Businesses Take Off Amid Coronavirus

Vulture - Welcome to the Bold and Blocky Instagram Era of Book Covers

Curbed - Bronx by appointment

I also co-wrote the New York Times’ Summer in the City column with Tejal Rao in 2018, and Max Falkowitz in 2019. In 2020, Summer was cancelled, along with everything else.